Snowberry, Common (Symphoricarpos albus): Bundle of 10


Bareroot plants sold in bundles of 10.

Out of stock


Sold in bundles of 10.

At a Glance: Erect shrub with attractive white berries that persist through the winter.

Height: Up to 6.5 feet (2 meters).
Stems: Very slender, brittle twigs with opposite branching; hairless.
Leaves: Leaves are opposite; leaf margins are smooth to wavy-toothed; shape: elliptic to oval; size: 2-5 cm long, 1-3.5 cm across.
Flowers: Flowers are arranged in small, dense clusters along a raceme or spike; primary color: pink to white; size: 5-7 mm long; shape: bell-shaped.
Flowering Period: May, June, July, August.
Fruits: Fruits are white, berry-like and contain two seeds; persist throughout winter; arranged in dense clusters or singly; size: 6-15 mm across.

Other Comments: Snowberry is readily identified by its white berries that develop in late summer and persist through winter. It is an outstanding conservation species and is adaptable to a wide range of sites, its rhizomatous root system make it a good soil stabilizer, provides wildlife habitat, and is a common riparian species.  It is important to note that the berries are considered to be poisonous (sometimes called Corpse Berry).

Sun/Shade Tolerance Hydrology Elevation Range
Prefers sunny edges or clearings.

full sun > 80%
mostly sunny 60%-80%
partial sun and shade 40%- 60%
mostly shady 60%-80%
full shade > 80%
Can tolerate fluctuating water tables.

low elevation
mid elevation
high elevation


Soil Preferences
More common in deciduous than coniferous forest.
sandy soils
gravelly soils
clay soils
muddy soils
peaty soils
well drained soils
shallow soils
deep soils
acidic soils
basic soils
humic soils
nutrient rich soils
nutrient poor soils
mineral soils
organic soils
Wildlife Value
Nectar for hummingbirds
Nectar for butterflies
Host for insect larvae
Thickets and shelter
Thorny or protective cover
Birds: The berries are eaten by grosbeaks, waxwings, robins, thrushes, towhees, grouse, pheasants, and quails when other food sources are scarce. Snowberry is often a nesting habitat for gadwall ducks.
Insects: The leaves are eaten by the sphinx moth larvae. Bumblebees and hummingbirds feed on the nectar.
Mammals: Leaves and twigs are browsed by deer. Snowberry provides low shelter and nesting cover for small animals.

Livestock Toxicity: Snowberry fruits contain high levels of alkaloids, which can be toxic to livestock. Consumption can cause moderate to severe toxicity presenting as vomiting, dizziness and a semi-comatose state.